April 1, 2025 Spring Election Information

TOWN OF OSHKOSH, Winnebago County, Wisconsin.

Important! Please confirm that you are contacting the correct municipal clerk for voter registration and absentee voting. To find this information, search by your address, visit the Winnebago County website, Voting Information by Address (this link will tell you what ward, school, or county supervisor district you are in) or visit the MyVote.wi.gov website.

Questions? Call 920-235-7771 (landline) or email [email protected]

ELECTION DAY is Tuesday, April 1, 2025, for the Spring Election.

Polling Place: Town Hall, 230 E. County Rd. Y, Oshkosh, WI 54901
Polling Place Hours Election Day:  7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

There are (2) two different ballot styles for this election in the Town of Oshkosh. The ballot samples are posted to view at the bottom/end of this page.


Absentee Voting

Only registered voters may request an absentee ballot.

Absentee requests accepted by mail, email, or online are mailed the same or next business day.

  1. Apply Online, – Visit the My Vote Wisconsin website: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/. Click on Vote Absentee. Acceptable Photo ID upload may be required. The deadline is March 27, 2025, with some exceptions.
  2. Apply by Mail or Email, –  print application, and include a copy of Acceptable Photo ID that may be required if it is not on file. Must be received by March 27, 2025, with some exceptions.
    Mail to: Town of Oshkosh, 1076 Cozy Ln, Oshkosh WI 54901 or email [email protected]
  3. In-Person Absentee Voting begins Tuesday, March 18, 2025 and ends Friday, March 28, 2025. Contact the clerk to schedule an appointment call 920-235-7771 (landline, does not accept text messages) or email [email protected].


Voter Registration

  • A name change or address change: Voter registration must be updated by re-registering and requires Proof of Residency.
  1. Register to Vote In-Person with Clerk, by appointment, call 920-235-7771 or [email protected]. Last day is Mar. 28, 2025; after this date, voters must register on election day.
  2. Register to Vote at the Polling Place on Election Day Apr. 1, 2025, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The polling place (Town Hall) address is: 230 E. County Rd. Y, Oshkosh, WI 54901. Bring proof of residency documentation.

If you are having difficulties and need assistance or have questions? Call the town clerk 920-235-7771 or [email protected]

Voting at the Polling Place on Election Day

Curbside Voting: If you feel ill or have a fever on Election Day, please do not enter the building. Once you arrive at the polling place, call the town hall building phone at (920) 231-5887 for further instructions to curbside vote. The phone number will be posted on the door.

Other Exceptions: If you are military on active duty away from voting residence, hospitalized electors, and sequestered jurors, call the clerk for further information on how to proceed.


Below is the ballot style for persons with an address in the Oshkosh Area School District boundary in the Town of Oshkosh:

Below is the ballot style for persons with an address in the Winneconne Community School District boundary in the Town of Oshkosh: