Waste Management - Berlin, WI location
Waste Management's last day for service pickup is Friday, December 27, 2024. After this pickup, please leave the carts/bins by or near the road. Waste Management will come and collect their carts/bins. No exact date is known when this may happen, but it should be shortly after the Dec. 27th date. To read more about the service update, click here.
Scroll down on this page to view or print GFL's recycle calendar.
2024 Waste Management Recycle Calendar to print or view, click here
GFL Environmental - Omro, WI location
Beginning in 2025, GFL Environmental is servicing garbage/recycling pickup. Please have your containers ready for collection by 6:00 a.m.
Call GFL with broken cart/bin issues.
2025 Recycle Calendar to print or view, click here
CO-MINGLE - Place loose in the Recycle Bin.
- Soda, Water & Other Drink bottles
- Food & Household Bottles, Jars & Jugs
- Dairy Containers & Lids
- Produce, Bakery & Deli Containers
Do Not Accept:
- No Plastic Bags, Wrap or Film
- No Motor Oil Bottles
- No Styrofoam
- Remove all screw caps & discard
- Rinse bottles & jugs
Aluminum & Steel
- Aluminum Cans & Bottles
- Steel, Tin & Bi-Metal Cans
- Empty Aerosol Cans
Do Not Accept:
- No Aluminum Pans or Foil
- No Empty Paint Cans
- Rinse cans & bottles
- No need to remove labels
- Food & Beverage Bottles and jars
Do Not Accept:
- No Windows, Ceramics or China
- Rinse bottles and jars
- Metal caps and lids should be recycled, discard plastic caps and lids
PAPER-CARDBOARD - Place in the Recycle Bin along with the co-mingle
- Milk, Juice & Soup Cartons
- Cardboard & Paperboard (cereal box)
- Newspaper & Inserts
- Junk Mail & Office Paper
- Phone Books, Books, Magazines & Catalogs
No Not Accept:
- No Tissue
- No Paper Contaminated by Food or Grease
- Shredded Paper - no longer accepted in curbside recycle bins
Residents from anywhere can take shredded paper or any other small paper scraps to United Recycle Solutions (Oshkosh Paper Salvage) at 1860 Harrison St. in Oshkosh. There is no charge.
- Flatten and cut cardboard to no larger than 2′ x 2′ pieces
- You may put paper products inside another paper grocery bag placed in the bin
Yard Waste Drop Off Site
Winnebago County Solid Waste
100 W County Rd Y, Oshkosh WI
website, how and where to dispose of recyclables
Town Wood Chip Operations
No longer operating
We suggest bringing your branches to the Winnebago County Landfill which is not far from the town hall.
2015 Composting Guide - Get Started
Top 5 Recycle Questions:
- What plastics can I recycle?
- Should I remove my bottle caps?
- What do I do with plastic bags?
- Can I recycle aluminum foil and pie pans?
- What should I do with shredded paper?
View the answers in this guide below:
Services to remove/discard
Miller Scrap Removal
website appliances, batteries, cars, computer, heavy machinery, trailers, anything metal
Clear The Clutter Junk Removal
website removes anything, furniture, appliances, call for a quote
Electronics/Appliance - Drop Off Sites
A fee for drop-off and/or pick-up may apply.
Winnebago County Solid Waste
100 W County Rd Y, Oshkosh WI
Best Buy
1550 S Koeller St, Oshkosh
Goodwill Industries
1600 W 20th St, Oshkosh - 920-233-3897
1735 Bowen St, Oshkosh - 920-968-0304
Habitat for Humanity ReStore
1640 S. Koeller St, Oshkosh - 920-230-3535
Milwaukee PC
1040 W 20th Ave, Oshkosh - 920-233-4706
Office Depot
1910 S Koeller St, Oshkosh - 920-231-6933
Hazardous Materials, Waste Oil, Household Sharps drop off site (Winnebago Co), click below: